Saturday, November 28, 2009

The Greatest and The Worst Week of my Life

Being in Ms. Clayson's Class was the most fuffiling experience of my life. I have the opportunity to see how much children are self motivated to learn.
For the Greatest part....

Last week, we finished with our field
experience. I never thought that I could be so sad and heartbroken to be done with it. The students were sad to know that Tuesday was our last day with them. They made cards for us with, they gaveus high fives, and some were almost crying. I guess they really enjoy our time with them.

We really work hard to make these 3 last weeks to make the most of it. We did so
me brain boosters games, we made them do some maps and posters and displayed them outside of the classroom; both were part of our lesson plans. The posters ended up to being a competition. The students work really hard. Afterwards, they pick the top 3 winners and we got ribbons for 1st, second, and t
hird place. We also gave special awards to those who did not won but their work was amazing. We even learned a song about the Mountain Men with movements and everything

I really going to missed them....I understood how much different a teacher can make.

However, the load of homework and the time that we have to do it, I felt that we need more time between Thanksgiving break, the end of the field experience, and the first day of school so that we have time to do our homework. But again, I guess when we are official teachers, we won't have time to take a break in between holidays to stop and take a break before the holidays extravaganza!!

For the Worst.....

Even though I was sad to finish with my filed experience and recognized that they really loved to have US there, that was not the worst part of this week.... My Father died on Thanksgiving day... AND... I feel that everything we (my team teacher and Me) did will be long forgotten after Thanksgiving break.

I don't know what is going to happens after our absence. I just hope the teacher keep working hard with her students. I hope she remember all the questions and hints of what a great teacher should be doing. "Reading aloud to the students while they are doing whatever they want and teacher not even asking questions to the students about what she is reading..." is NOT an example of what a teacher should DO. This is just ONE example of what is going on there.

The cooperative teacher was very helpful and let us to do what we needed to do at any time. But I was very surprise to know that she really didn't do anything about the students in her classroom that struggles with the language or any learning disability, or even language barrier.
After I showed to the teacher my Psychology Assignment, She noticed what we (Elementary Ed. Students) were looking to documents through our observation. She changed her style of teaching. She started to sit down with ELL students and did one-one scaffolding, using different teaching approaches. No to mention the many times I did with one of the student that have been neglected. The teacher told us to ignored her (the student) because the student had a emotional breakdown... The teacher didn't know why the student have been crying all alone since the beginning of school.

My heart is full of mixed feeling because I was sad to see this part of my first semester to be over. I really love those children. I just hope that this experience will never be erase of my mind because It has taught me how important it is to be a good teacher. Someone who really care about ALL her/his students. I created a Journal learning calendar in which the student, that I was working with, records the times that she was pay attention, asking questions, complete homework by herself or with assistance, and/or make a comment. Once
she reaches 10 stamps she gets a prize. (I provided enough for a moth). The last day she was doing so great... she was another kid.

Now, the bar have been raised for me. Next semester will be another great experience, I need to make meani
ngful for the students that I will be teaching. I need to be a good example always and never lower the quality of teaching....ever! I know that the only way that can happens is by keeping myself update with the latest courses and teachers training.

My goal is to get to know my students so well that I can recognize ANY student's special need or attention. I am so grateful for this experience that have helped me to see what a REal Teacher is about.