Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Little Prince and Differentiation....Tame Me

Tomlinson states that “teachers who are willing to establish ties with students discover new depths of truth each day...” What does this mean to ME?

"What does it mean -tame?" asked the Little Prince.

“It is an act too often neglected,” said the fox. It means to establish ties."

Teachers who establish ties or a bind with each of her students have the opportunity to witness the miracle of learning.

As in the metaphor in “The Little Prince” and differentiation. Once the teacher is willing to teach and be taught by his/her student, both can discover the world together. It is like a team pursuing a gold medal... everyone working (learning) together to conquer their quest. Both listing, supporting each other, giving and receiving, and enjoying their discoveries...And mourn when the day is over with the hope to embark in a new adventure the next day.

How wonderful that journey is! Teacher and students will create a new discovery adventure every day and, of course, they will look forward to the next enlighten quest…. A new day, a new adventure!

If we, teachers, take the time to get to know each of our students, invest the time to guide them, being persistent in given them new opportunities to discover the world, invite and offer them new opportunity to learn everyday; our students will be successful not matter what their uniqueness would be...To me, that is what Differentiation is all about.

Teaching is a vocation….A calling to discover the unknown.


Genan said...

Those connections, teacher to student, are irreplaceable and are the soil from which all learning grows.