Saturday, September 19, 2009

I am Going To Be a Famous Teacher on the Web!!!!

It is amazing to me how high-tech we are getting with Instructional Media class! I started to use all these fun stuff that we have learned so far with my other classes and also in my personal use. I have facebook connected to my phone, I started to record videos and posted in and form youtube to my webpages, music gadgets, assignments, calendar, and even I have taught my daughter how use Google Docs, IGoogle, how to have facebook connected to their phones and make blogs.

My family, my daughters' friends and my own ones think that I am
 so Cool, Legit, and mazing!!!! 

Thanks Doc. Waters!!... and UVU, I guess. 

For the new edition, this week we have learned how to make  Vidcast and Podcast. What
 an amazing way to reach out our students and keep teaching and explaining the same concepts over and over again without even doing person. AND be on YOUTUBE!  OH yeah! Loooooove it!! Well the youtube part not that much but it will be fun anyways.

I think I can have a series of math problems (the difficult ones), science projects step-by-step process videos as links in my classroom sites and/or blogs. I thought also, it could be a great idea to have vocabulary and spelling list on podcast for review. A parents' Page with announcement for activities, or homework assignments so that the parents can listen while cooking or doing homework with their kids......Infinite ideas.
We have learned in this week some many teaching techniques in Creative arts. I think I can put some of them (as review for projects or class presentation) in both vicast and podcast. 
Here some of the instruction example: 
  • Still Image (Tableau)— a group will takes up different poses to construct a picture describing what they want to say. (Example: A young boy during the Civil War saying good-bye  to his family as he goes off to war.  the rest of the class may use thought-tracking to extract meaning from the image.

  • Freeze-Frame—a group of students will represents a series of linked still images that can describe important moments within a drama, piece of literature, event in history, etc. (Example: Cinderella at home with her Stepmother and sisters, Cinderella wishing she could go to the ball, appearance of the Fairy Godmother, Cinderella with the Prince at the ball, the sisters trying on the glass slipper) and the rest of the class will have to determine what is the story and what is going on.

  • Vocabulary in other language: I can teach my students Spanish or record instructions for ELL students in Spanish through podcast. And even record them saying or reading a book as a class them in both Spanish and English and posted them in  vidcast and/or podcast.
It was amazing to me how many great ideas to teach a lesson about history, and how the language arts and how history come alive. From improvisation, Narrative pantomime, tableau, collective role-play, the characters story-telling and dramatization of different explorers (even though some students were making fun of my English accent when I give them a positive feedback), and the all students participation in panel in the role-play with the judge. And to make it more excited to can add technology to it as step-by-step instructions on vi cast and record their performances and post them in our classroom's website, youtube, and blogs. And once he video is youtube, their parents can download it to facebook. So, parents couldn't attended the class presentation/rehearsal, or grandparents lives in another town, they can see their grand children's performance.    

And then, Thou shall teach your children to blog...! Why let our students to blog video.
I love this video because it really makes sense that if they write to learn, they can blog to le
arn social skills, writing skills, communication skills, engagement with the cyber/digital world, and bring their extended family members closer.   

I am very excited about this class!!! I can't wait until I have the opportunity to have my own classroom and start teaching ALL these good things that I am learning now.     
Ps: I am so sorry about last Thursday, I know no perfume!!! sorry