Saturday, September 5, 2009

My Journal to excellence!!!

My first whole week on the Elementary Ed. program. It is amazing to me how much information a person can handle when the material is enjoyable!! From How the brain work to how to use it to be successful in a classroom. I knew that every person in this world is different and that not everyone learn at the same speed. But I REALLY do not know that or really comprehend that there are many ways to teach a group of students and be successful with all of them.

I am talking about Multiple Intelligence and how to use through Ar
ts intervention.  I  have learn that through using Arts such as drama, dance, music, visual arts (just to mention some of them) and combination with Language Arts, or Math, or Social Studies, or Science can fully understand the context of the subject.  Thanks to brilliant professionals whom have taken the time to develop and research new and effective ways to make learning a fun, enjoyable, inspirational lifestyle. And thanks to technology,  WE ALL THE PEOPLE (students and teachers) around the world can use them.  Not like in the beginning of the education system were (Foundation of American Education) only for white boys but for all... Including those who have special needs (physical and/or

We as teacher can make our students' learning process more efficient and enjoyable.  As we discuss in Classroom Management and also in Creative Arts , we all remember Best Teachers and the Worst ones too. And it is our responsibility and our duty to  make our classrooms a place where everyone feel free to be who they are and welcome...A place where they can feel safe and love.  That is my main goal to educate my future students with the best material available, the latest technology,  and passion that our Professors, here in UVU, gave us everyday.  

The video "Pay Attention" that Doctor Waters have in her google site, gave me some great ideas of how to reach my students. Yet I was a review of Multiple intelligence are so important to understand in order to be an effective teacher but it made me realize that there are many students even at elementary school who have email accounts, facebook accounts, and CELLPHONES. Why not use it for good. Parents also have those too, why not to use as tools to communicate with them and also educational tool library for homework.  We can recommend websites where students can do assignments, homework, even create tests or ways to evaluate our students through technology. I am so excited about this.!!! 

As I reflected on my assignment from Instructional Media from last week, "My Ideal Classroom" and the assignment from this week about being "The Principal of my school" I realize that I have so much to learn to be a good teacher and maybe a good Principal. I do not know if I ever going to be but one thing I know, I want to work hard to accomplish this goal. Not only for my family but for my future students too. For that reason, I change my carrier when I came to this University because of Professor, because she taught me that instead of become a lawyer and defend peoples rights (especially those do not know their rights because they are not from here) I can be a teacher and teach little people to be free and help them to know their right in their earlier years.   I want to be that kind of teacher, that one who try hard to create her/his classroom a place of discovery.